For my Duratrans poster for the Hide Self View exhibition I wanted to display thesis work in a new way that would work well in the form of a large scale, backlit poster.
After going through a few iterations, I came up with the idea of displaying cut-out images of objects I have made and placing them on a gradient background. The colors chosen for the gradient came from the images of the work, allowing the background to be harmonious with the images on top.
The objects I included on this poster are: the poster I made with the Analog Poster Generator, a pile of tiles from the Analog Poster Generator, one of my Book Cubes, my Overwhelm book, my Tiny Library, one of the watercolor paintings from the Olick Family Photo Album, a page from Wait. What Was That Supposed to Say?, and a spread from my Tiny Purple Book.
I also wanted to include the typeface I have been working on for the past three semesters in my poster, so I used the letters I have made as a background texture on top of the gradient
The first version of my Duratrans poster for Hide Self View included many of the same elements that ended up in the final poster, but I couldn’t seem to arrange them in a way that I liked.
The first version of my Duratrans poster for Hide Self View included many of the same elements that ended up in the final poster, but I couldn’t seem to arrange them in a way that I liked.
The second version of my poster took on a grid-based form with a very subtle use of a gradient on the outlines.
The second version of my poster took on a grid-based form with a very subtle use of a gradient on the outlines.
The third version used my poster from the Analog Poster Generator as a base.
The third version used my poster from the Analog Poster Generator as a base.
Final Poster
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